Here's your chance to name 3 things you encounter in Spain that you would like to see back home.

1.) Ines Sastre

2.) The Spanish sense of style as it relates to what males wear...Anglo-Canadian men need to realize you don't go "out on the town" (kinda like tapas, but not really) in the same clothes that one would wear changing the oil in a car...

3.)SEAT cars

marilisa said
3. and another person here who understands my love/obsession for Spain!

I do...

I have a band-aid solution for you if you are suffering from a bad case of Madrid-withdraw and can't immdediately to get to Madrid...take a short trip to Montreal, Quebec in the Summer and chill out for a while, that should put a little control on any "Madrid-withdraw" until you have the chance to get to Madrid...while Montreal is not Madrid, it has some Madrid charateristics...
Your Majesty Juan Carlos I, I respectfully BEG that you that you make a Decreto Real that Ines Sastre be my Wife.