I was born and raised in Asturias, and my ancestors (as far as I know) were ALL Asturians since the dawns of time. All my life I was educated to believe that my nation is Spain, we Spaniards are all equals, democracy, the king, the "Transicion", our historical links with Latin America, blah, blah, blah...
All that means nothing. I changed my mind for myself, mostly. I don`t care if 45% of Castilian voters chose the Partido Posfranquista. I don`t care if some 50% of adult Asturians chose to vote constitutionalist options (many of my countrymen are so FED UP that they just don`t vote).
Do you know the saying? "When a majority of people agree on something, perhaps it means only that all the fools lie on the same side." If I wanted to follow the majority, I would watch "Cronicas Marcianas" every night.
An Asturian who votes PP or PSOE, today, is simply fooling himself (or herself). And those who still support our estatuto, well...maybe they are misinformed, maybe they just didn`t bother to think on the issue. I don`t care, anyway I don`t agree.
The idea of a Spanish nation is undermining all that is worth maintaining in Asturian culture; and the current political structure is pushing us to economical and political colonialism, poverty and emigration. I will NEVER accept it.