I like Fernandos idea about solving the whole thing. But then again, you're talking to a person whose bright idea at 9 years old was telling her father that I thought it much more pratical that instead of fighting wars, governments set up a chess match! I just like the idea of solving problems in an intelligent manner. We have brains, we should use them, not our fists!

Kurt-I'm not even going to go there! Just exactly what do you think the EU is? Maybe I need to take another look at it! But I think although the EU and USA will NEVER be the SAME, that the EU- European UNION= European nations united... has many parallels with the US-United States-individual entities that are UNITED- (does The Union ring a bell?) The US wasn't always the US either! Besides, I was referring to Fernando's comment about an EU passport and how that would work...maybe you didn't get that, or you just skipped over postings and we lost you a bit.

As for Gibraltar... In the end, I don't think it really matters who takes it over, but SOMEBODY has to take responsibility for them, even if its shared... has anyone read about the mess off the coast of Galicia thanks to our dear neighbours on the Rock?!?! There is now an ship, loaded with petrolium, stranded, because Gibraltar wasn't responsible and didn't check the ship as it should have...and is going to cause one very nasty ecological mess, which also has the potential to hurt the sea faring community in Galicia, along with the mussel beds etc. if the nasty spill can't be avoided or cleaned up properly. Thanks Gibralter! You don't care about England or Spain, but let's see who will get you out of this mess! mad mad

Please keep in mind, that the media manipulates and is manipulated (by people, by governments...) so its always to keep things in perspective and take EVERYTHING you hear in the media with a grain of salt. Many of us on the board have the advantage of not only reading different papers, but in different languages and getting a better perspective on what it is you're reading. Even if you don't keep this in mind; no matter how a reporter tries to be impartial, they are people, and there are many, MANY factors that influence the way people perceive the same event in different ways. So no, no 1 newspaper is the big-brother all truthful end all to anything!