I don't know what all the hub-bub is about...we go through this about every five months...we're all posting on things Spain-related and then someone blows up a car and a kid in Andalucía, everyone posts their frustrations and hatred for ETA, then we "debate" a while, (no one argues that killing is right, so we must all agree...not sure where the debate is there), then someone takes things personal, MadridMan shuts down the topic, and we move on...until the next car bomb.

I look at it this way: "There must needs be opposition in all things." If we didn't know conflict [posts on car bombs], we wouldn't appreciate the confluence [Asturias post]. We can disagree in one thread and then agree wholeheartedly in another. I would never think to take things personally on this board...life is too short, and with the exception of about five you, I couldn't pick you out of a crowd of two. I'm curious about your opinions, but when the day is done, I'll share a paella with you, not thirst for your blood (well, maybe your blood sausage [morcilla])!

Frankly, there are very few things that I discuss with any deep conviction and passion. Spain is one, Euskadi another, and hockey still another. Outside of that, I just enjoy different opinions...whether or not there's money in my bank account or if my government is planning an attack on another.

Let's let MadridMan moderate...as he has been doing so effectively for years...and keep up the interchange of opinions. And as someone has already posted months ago, please just post, don't take everything as a personal attack!

CaliBasco [Who plans to "lighten up" tonight with some paella, lamb and good Basque music...if you're in Chino, CA tonight, e-mail me and I'll give you directions!]
Ongi etorri!