JJP is exactly correct! I have studied for 3 months in Bilbao, lived with a Basque family, and been around MANY basque schools, and children. Yes, I am aware that there are always exceptions, just as their are anti-america groups in america, their are anti Spain groups in the Basque country, or any region of spain for that matter. However, children are taught to be proud of their basque heritage and celebrate their unique culture and way of life. They learn how this culture fits into the greater culture of Spain. The large majority of the people of Euskadi, even those who believe in Basque independence (which is a lot fewer than one might think), value their spanish roots and dont "hate", or teach their children to "hate" Spain frown . This is a very good example of the stereotypes of which I was speaking mad . Toddy, the "front" that you speak of his is a MAJOR minority of educational systems in Euskadi.

The media, I support using the media to try to fight the terrorism of ETA. These problems have to be exposed, as this exposure results in action and social change. However,the problems come with bias reporting. Stereotypes arise when the media portrays the basque country as a groups of unsensitive, violent, and rough group of ETA members. When in contrast, in general they are a group of open, friendly, proud, and welcoming group of people. From my experience, many people of Euskadi are ashamed, and get very upset about the subject of ETA).
"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente."