I wasn't sure and I told him so but mentioned that it might have been better to have gotten one from AAA (American Automobile Association) before going to Spain
That advice is better (not to mention less expensive) than going to Autoescuela and subsequently having to tote around one of those disgusting 'L's' on your car...Just in case it's not too late to get your money back.

I've been living and driving in Madrid for 4 years, mailing my International license renewal form to the AAA once a year. They mail the license to my parents and my parents in turn send it to me. Just keep your individual stateside license up to date and you'll be ok with that plan.

As is common in Spain, I've been stopped for site checks by the Guardia Civil 3 times since I've been here and they've never given me a problem with it...Food for thought. wink