Fernando rises a hand, may I? smile

I may be wrong, but I think here the blame is focused on Israel and Sharon (80%) and the government of the USA (20%). Even jews and israelians (is that the word?) are not seen specificly as the ones who have the responsability of these issue, so americans (american citizens) are not the targets of our upset. Ask americans who live here... As far as I know it has not been any single riot against Israel.

If I were asked: Sharon is responsible for this state's terrorism, and he is a terrorist himself. Israel has the right to defend itself from the terrorism commited by the palestinians (and Arafat, himself a terrorist, is in part responsible for this), but has no right to harrass civilians, cities, historical monuments and sacred places as they are doing. The US government is responsible of letting this situation to go that far, they should have stopped Sharon in time.

Personally, I the arab countries attack Israel, I would not want my country to intervene in that war. Israel has helped us in the past, and is helping us yet, it was considered a friendly country. Now Sharon has destroyed that relationship in two months. He has insulted Solana (representative of the European Union) and our president, he has said (literally) "I will never meet again with the Europe representative since Europe is supporting terrorism". If it was for me I would inmediately have called the 15 ambassadors of the european countries from Israel, cut all relations and applied comercial penalties (althought for them it would be nothing). Those statements should not be tolerated anyway.

I now this is a controversial issue, I hope I'm not missunderstood...
