
Please! Don't try to speak for the U.S. If you want to speak for your personal feelings, as an African-American, that's fine. Many of us believe that the Spanish government will do the right thing. I hope that's what you want, and not a lynching of four Barcelona Policemen, because you've decided it's best for a specific cause.

On another issue, leave Greenpeace out of the mix. They themselves are terrorists. Their actions (spiking trees), has led to the death of hard working people in the northwestern U.S., and people died on the ship they sunk as well. God only knows how many deaths can be contributed to their actions, all in the name of the environment. In many ways, they're not much better than a low level terrorist organization themselves.

As far as "why people see the U.S." as the pushy big brother, it's when people want to take the law in their own hands, and tell other nations how they are going to "punish them" for their actions. I suggest that diplomacy is a better resolve for any issues.

Spain is a democracy. They aren't some flea bitten back world nation that's only law is at the end of a gun, or a sword. Let them conclude their work, and let the lawsuit that was filed against the Barcelona Police, etc., run its course.


Don't judge the U.S., and the people of the U.S., on the statements of an individual. Like any democracy, we all have the right to our opinions, just like you do.

Your defense of Spain is admirable, but to most of us, it isn't necessary. We know that justice will be served in the end.

But we also know that the American system, though flawed, is no better or no worse than the Spanish system, and insulting our ways, to defend yours isn't acceptable.

You mentioned slavery. Yes, it was wrong, and we had it here in America. But there was a time when the Spanish empire was supported by the slaves of far off lands, whose labors were strictly for the good of Spain. Whole nations were the slaves. But that isn't an issue any more than the KKK, or slavery in America, is it?

Wolf (Who hates mud slinging. Everyone just gets dirty.)