You guys are being too hard on Antonio. You are missing the real meaning because you are americans and feel that he is going against americans. I am an American citizen, born in Venezuela with Spaniars parents, so I get hurt every time that someone says something negative about one of these countries, that's why I try to read carefully and get the real meaning.

I was very unlucky and when I arrived to my hotel in Madrid I felt down the stairs and I broke a leg, so I couldn't go anywhere. I spent so much time watching TV and talking to the people in reception (mostly Europeans) and the big problem is that Europeans see America like this big selfish giant that loves to get involved in wars, and love to make money no matter what they have to do. Plus they think that Americans think they are the best, the most intelligent... Now, if you ask why they tell you that it is what they see on TV. Most of them talked to me very freely becuase they thought I was Venezolano. And let me tell you that 50% of that perception is our fault. I've seen American teenagers without T-shirts walking on the street, American with their feet on the table in the restaurant, they were very loud in the hotel BY NIGHT. Our movies are too american for Europeans, they cannot wait to see Pearl Harbor to see how Americans saved the world. They see kids shooting other kids in school. They see guys being executed. They see an American president who doesn't know what's the name of the Spanish president and that means that the American president doesn't care about other "small" presidents and he hasn't got enough respect or interest to try to say a name in the right way. If this is what you see about a country, what are you going to think about it's people (and thanks God they didn't see the Jerry Springer show)
They are wrong, but how can you tell them when they see all that ugly stuff? Shouldn't we send them more positive stuff?