Hi, all!! Have been back for a couple of weeks and just wanted to say that we're in one piece and so-o-o-o-o-o glad we went to Spain for a number of special reasons:
1. Mom actually survived the trip with renewed sense of self-confidence and awe at the beauty of the world,
2. Spain really does "have it all" in terms of culture, geography, and climate.
3. Spain offered a tangible connection to our roots in the New World.

Of course there are others, but these were the overarching and the ones we hoped would inject us with a new vigor and desire to see more of the world.

I'll get to more details, later, as we're still "unpacking" our memories and getting back into the swing of "normal" life, but I just wanted to take this opportunity to thank everyone who gave their suggestions and insights before we left. It was a tremendous help.

Travelling with an older person who has health issues to contend with and is frustrated at every turn when considering such a long haul (medications, doctor's precautions, the unknown, etc.) can really make doing something like this seem really daunting. That we made it back with so much more than we left, is a true blessing. (We prayed at every cathedral and church we entered and asked that each day be medically event-free! Looks like it worked!)

Thanks, again to MM and the rest of you, too!

I'll get back to you with a rough outline of the trip and perhaps answer a few questions.

Until later!

SpainSpud laugh