I have to post while in madrid. Itīs only appropriate After studying this web site for a month and a half.. and the links... I felt more prepared to venture to Spain, than ever before. The suggestions, the tipīs, the hints.... have ALL been VERY helpful. Iīm having a wonderful time. I travel from Torrejon to Madrid via the train. Itīs very nice.... and I smile when I see a restaurant that has been mentioned or a place to visit. Itīs as nice as everyone has said. The people have been more than friendly. When I get lost, which is easy for me to do, I just stop and ask someone. Theyīll walk me to the next corner and point me in the right direction!!
I fell in love with Segovia. Toledo was fantastic. This is just a lovely place.... and I thank everyone for their posts, and especially madridman for all the hard work in maintaining this site.
Well, Iīll try to post again, but for now, I should get away from this computer and visit Madrid!!!
Adios for now!!...... denise