Yes, it is a party. My company is an international company very well known and they have a very high rate of foreigners (specially in the site where I work, NJ) I have friends from Japan, China, France, Morocco, mexico, Colombia... I mean THIS IS A REAL MIX OF CULTURES. Somehow my company wants all of us to be like "brothers" and understand each other and share stuff, so the best way to do it is having parties (once a year) where we can show part of our cultures. Last year was my first year and although I couldn't participate because I was only a temp, I enjoyed so much. I even cried when an American woman played a Spanish song in a spanish guitar.
Now, I have to confess that I cannot cook (at all) I only can make tortillas de patatas an easy stuff (my mother did all the cooking when I was living with my parents) so it might be a bad idea to cook for my coworkers (I could be fired for trying to kill them)
I am not against flamenco, toreros, etc, but that is something that almost everybody know, I want to show something different so they will learn something new. I was thinking of the ancient history of Spain, when it was Iberia and Iberos and Celtas were living there. How it became Spain, how many different cultures lived in Spain, what those cultures left for future generations... What do you think?