I to am addictd to this message board. I check it almost 3-4 times a day. I can never get enough of it. I guess the message makes me feel closer to Spain.

I had the opportunity to visit Madrid, Spain this past July (I wish I would have known about this web site b4 my visit)I was there for 3 weeks. I went with the International Studies Association program, they sponsored a trip for Guidance Counselors and Teachers to go and learn Spanish. To say that I had a great time would be an understatement. My experience in Spain is one that I will remember for a lifetime. I had the BEST BEST time. The experience that I was able to gain outside of the classroom went way beyond the textbooks. I had the chance to vist Toledo, Cordoba, Grenada, Sevilla, as well as wet my feet in the Mediterranean Sea while on the Costa del Sol.

The trip was magnificant and I am greatful that I could fully appreciate it.
I never took Spanish in high school, although i did study French. so when I arrived in Spain, I was totally lost, because I just assumed that most people would speak English. Big mistake?
I quickly adjusted and learned enough to eat, catch the metro, and get around, and shop.
I enjoyed the culture and the laid back attitude of the people. It seemed as if people were really enjoying life, and living it to the fullest. People were actually "just chillin".
My friends and I quicky adapted to Madrid, especially the night life. We would, at times leave on the last metro train, and come back home when the train would open up the next morning. And yes, I always felt safe.
Anyway, I know that I am going on and on, but thats how i get when i get on the subject of Spain. One other thing, I also met my Spanish love while clubing, he speaks no english, and me, I just learned while there in July, so imagine that.
Well, I'll talk about that at another day and time. Thanks for letting me talk about Espana.