
I took the Tren de Fresas on September 30 and I can offer some insights into what to expect. The train ride was an enjoyable turn-back-the-clock exprience, the tour of the palace was nice, but paled in contrast to the Palacio Real( which I had seen earlier in the week). The Palace was in some need of repair- torn wallpaper, chipping paint, etc.. Nevertheless, it was splendid and the facade and the adjacent gardens are awe-inspiring. I would reccomend that you plan to walk around the town during the approximately 3 hour respite from the tour group. The best part of the trip, I felt was strolling away from the tourists into the sereen beauty of the Jardin de Principe, or into the quaint community around the bullring. There will be plenty of opportunities to eat the terrific Spanish cusine at Mama Rosa's casa, so eat light and tour during the break. The Museo de Faluas( Royal Barge Museum) is the destination after the afternoon break and before departure. It is not the highlight of the trip, but 5-10 minutes at looking at Alfonso XII's river barges may excite you more than me. The train arrives early enough at Atocha that you will be able to enjoy a couple of canas at nearby Bar Brillante before heading home.

Missing Spain,


[This message has been edited by Shawn (edited 10-05-2000).]