Billy, you're obviously British then! I have a friend whose cancer has returned and she has been told that it is not ever gong to go away, but because the lumps are very small they are not going to treat her now, they will wait until it affects her. When she found out she was understandably devastated. She was made redundant from a job that she'd been doing for 25 years, and now cannot find another job (maybe something to do with having to declare her illness on forms - although of course not officially so!). She has been told that she cannot get sickness benefit until she sells her house. Yet as you say immigrants are welcomed here and given everything! I don't find that fair at all. I can't blame the young men I've seen arriving at the Canary Islands for wanting to find a better life - I would do the same in their situation.
Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian.