Quintos: Ahhh now we understand you. It is ok for you as a Spaniard to come to the US and import you life and culture to America, but you do not want Latin Americans and Africans and as you spelled out Islamic people to go and import their culture to Spain. Nooowwww we understand, you can pollute the rest of the world with your culture, but don't anyone else pollute your land and culture with their cluture and beliefs. Veeeerrry interesting line of reasoning young man. Real interesting. There was a man in Germany in the 1920s an 1930s mercifully he killed himself in 1945, that had similar ideals to yours. I don't think at 18 you have had a chance to figure out what it is you stand for, or what you believe. My advice to you young man is to go out and get a job and work in the real world while you still know everything. mad mad mad
Phantom Man