Hi all! I am planning to visit Madrid from March 22 to 27, 2005. This is Semana Santa (Holy Week) and so I am concerned that many museums and shops in Madrid will be closed the entire weekend. I read that when a Spanish holiday falls on a Thursday (Jueves Santo/Holy Thursday) that many businesses shut down until Monday. I assume everything will be shut down on Good Friday, as this is a national holiday for all of Spain, but will places re-open on Saturday in Madrid?

If you have any experience of visiting Madrid during Semana Santa please share! I would love to witness the processions of Semana Santa, however I do not know when I will return to Madrid, so I want to make the most of it and see and do all that I can. Also, how is the nightlife during this week? Is Semana Santa a very somber occasion or do people still go out to the discotecas?

Thanks! smile :p