Among PP supporters there ARE many franquists, although I admit I have never read figures about the matter (maybe these figures don`t exist, maybe it is a "touchy" matter and they are not displayed to the public). And many of the leaders bear, say, far right ideas. See, when Escriva de Balaguer was made saint, how many PP ministers travelled to Rome. Being a member of Opus Dei is not exactly what I would call a "progressive" person.
It is an interesting point that in the earliest elections, 1977 (or 1979? anyway, I am referring to those when Suarez won), when AP didn`t bother to conceal its Franquist links, it still collected a good handful of votes.
I think anyone who knows Spain can report that it is not difficult to find people who claim to "occupy" the Basque country, and end all these nonsense about independence. That is the kind of people I regard as franquists. People who think it is acceptable to do certain things, like starting a war, when "the country is in danger"