Booklady, Eddie,

There's no doubt Franco allowed not only rest areas for Nazis, but that he allowed their spy network to operate without hindering them. At the same time, refusing to allow German troops in Spain, it was a dichotomy. I think Franco may have been one of the "Great Wallendas" in disguise - confused

When you hear first hand, about Jews who survived Hitler's wrath, like Booklady and I have both heard from people who lived in the era, it somewhat softens our view of Franco. Even if he did it because he was of Jewish descent doesn't matter. He was over 400 years removed from that culture. The fact that he did it stands for itself.

Thee's another good book, by Herbert L. Matthews, Half of Spain Died . I believe it's out of print, but I did get a chance to read it in the University of Wisconsin Library a few years ago. It's a worthy read.
