
there are a lot of books out there that tell the story of the Spanish Civil War, the problem is, they are either offered from a left or right wing point of view. Very little is offered that goes past political lines. Here's a few books I would recommend;

Homage to Catalonia, George Orwell
Republic of Egos, Michael Seidman
Madrid 1937, letters from the Abrahan Lincoln Brigade
Fireflies, Ana Maria Mutate (translated to English)
Arms For Spain, Gerald Howson
Spain Betrayed, (Purported to be inside info from Moscow) Some of it may very well be true.
To Tilt At Windmills, Fred A. Thomas (British)
Deadly Embrace, Sebastian Balfour (Interesting reading, Morocco and civil war) It serves to set the stage for the Moors involvement.
Defying Male Civilization, Mary Nash

Most of them can be found in public libraries, so I wouldn't recommend buying them. After these, there are others, and they will point you in directions that are interesting.
