Marco , I grew up in Scandinavia and spent my 'formative years' there, including school etc. I personally spoke the same words, the same critisism, and had the same one sided view of USA while there,as you demonstrate here now 30 years later.
It wasn't until I came here that I realized how biased those views were.
I do not want take the space in this thread to talk about an unrelated subject other than this reply to your last question.
African-american population makes wrong choices , they do not want to go to school , they do not want to work , males do not respect fatherhood or take any responsibility of their actions , they idolize things like 'gangsta rap' MTV lifestyle etc etc . At some point they are at loss , resort to drugs , crime etc BUT IT ALL started with wrong choices when young.
Whites do the same thing, but propotionally much less.
That same , above mentioned , life-style also disrespects true heroes of black community , such as Colin Powell , Clarence Thomas and hundreds, thousands , of others who with hard work and commitment to better their lives went through all kinds of hurdles, whether they were economical ,political or moral.
And now I once more repeat what I said earlier: unless you live here , you can not fully understand this.