Welcome to the fray, Asterault...this is what I posted earlier on the U.S., knowing full well that someone would misinterpret it (like all my opinions on ETA): «The main difference, for example, between a midwestern American and a southern American is nothing more than whether or not one chooses to say "y'all". Sure those in Arkansas may prefer rocky mountain oysters and okra to lutefisk and lefse...» It was the "main" not the "only" difference.

By the way, it's interesting that you once denounced the pledge of allegiance as "fascist crap" and now live in a country ruled by the vestiges of the old Falange...

As for Fernando, I won't insult you again by suggesting that you can't look up the information I've referenced on the physiological Basque differences yourself on the internet. I suggest a search engine not sponsored by El País :p

Asterault: I agree wholeheartedly with your assertion that this is, and always will be a "you're wrong..." "no, you're wrong" issue. That's the most sensible thing I've read on this thread (outside of my comments, of course... :D)

I've decided to go ahead and insult Fernando's intelligence by actually posting some sources. By the way, these are not the book sources that I have in my personal library, but they are internet sources you can look up now. The first one, which I'm almost 100% sure is NOT funded by ETA or its propoganda machine, as it is from the Voice of India website (is there some sort of Indo-ETA pact that I'm unaware of?) is at this link: http://voi.org/books/ait/ch49.htm Check section 4.9.5, paragraph 2. As for the rest, I did Google, and typed in "physical characteristics" +Basque. Happy hunting...

As for me, I'm taking Asterault's comment to heart, and no longer feel the need to justify the facts, for, as he so eloquently stated, I'm still "wrong" and so are you. Thanks Asterault. Me voy...

By the way, Fernando, most of the "myths" on your NBC site are not in dispute...The one that sticks out, though is the "Spanish Dictator Francisco Franco specifically oppressed the Basque people" vs. "Spanish Dictator Francisco Franco oppressed the entire nation" Remind me why the "great oppressor of all Spain" bombed the spiritual heart of the Basque Country on market day, when everyone would be out in the streets? Why? What does NBCi have to say about this? Was this just a part of his plan to "oppress all Spain"? NBC doesn't know the first thing about reporting US news, so I hardly place stock in their ability to see both sides of any foreign issue.

CaliBasco [who is no Stephen Douglas, but loves the Basques more than he did...]

[ 08-02-2001: Message edited by: CaliBasco ]
Ongi etorri!