Hey UNLV_Rebel,
ok, if you want rent prices for the apartments then i can give you some info BUT i think it's better if you research the info yourself and use sources you can site.
Why don't you check out some websites for apt rentals(www.segundamano.es) and see it for yourself, or call some places in Madrid to ask prices(english rental places).
Anyways, you can get all those apartments at different prices, it depends on how much you want to spend of course, and how high your standards are.
If it's one thing i´ve learned since i have been in madrid, it's how-to apartment hunt.

Of course everything is relative here.
My opinion of 'decent' and 'nice', location, and availability at the time. Pero bueno....
I have rented a three-bedroom in a nice area, and am now renting a one bedroom in central area. It's much better to buy apts here, because the average apt that is for rent here is....is.... i can't find the right word....let's just say 'mierda'.

[This message has been edited by rhonda (edited 11-28-2000).]