Nuria and MissMadrid-
I beg to differ. I used to be a Fortuna fan(and still am for nostalgia's sake!) but I must say that it is most definitely an inferior quality of tobacco than, say, Marlboro. . If you've ever opened up a Fortuna, you'll see that it is loaded with stems and even chunks of wood! I doubt this is true, but friends in Sevilla used to say that they made Fortunas out of the sweepings from the floor. Watch, now Fortuna will sue me for slander! Totally kidding! Don't anybody start talking about how Americans (yes, and I mean North Americans, of course, or mejor dicho, ¡estadounidenses!) are litigation happy! Isn't it interesting how you used to see practically only Fortunas and Ducados and now the whole country is plastered w/ Marlboro and Winston signs? Oh, another thing that might make you homesick for Spain-the fact that you can buy single cigarettes at the kioskos! Actually, come to think of it, I don't recall them doing that the last time I was over there. Anyone? Anyone?