Hi, again! I'm going to be really awful - i can't help myself - and change the topic again! Gosh, we still eat papilla de fruta, too! And when alguien se marea, out comes the infusión de manzanilla. The first year we were in the States I sent my daughter to school one day with a few legañas en el ojo, and a small tupperware container of manzanilla to wipe her eye with. I know from experience that it clears up eyes faster than anything - they always had it on hand in the guarderia - but here, no way! She was sent straight home and told to go to the doctor. Oh, well.

Since I have not met a single Spaniard here since I moved to Pennsylvania, I love hearing that there are others like me who are raising their children in the US as Spaniards. It gets a bit lonely! Thanks for your posts! We can go back to strollers now