
I didn't mean Pryca wasn't in business now. Pryca and Continente has merged and they keep their supermarkets under a unique name "Carrefour". In fact, Carrefour is the French company who owns Pryca. There used to be supermarkets in Spain called "Carrefour" a long time ago. For some reason, in Spain they have different commercial names. Let's take "Alcampo". The "original" one is French and it is called "Au Champ" (which has nothing to do with the Spanish translation).

To avoid Carrefour from becoming a monopoly, the government has forced them to get rid of some of their branches. But I think they will be a monopoly anyway.

You can read about the new Carrafour name at http://www.continente.es/dosier/comunicado.html

I would like to say that I totally agree with Madridman. I hate this kind of big supermarkets because they pay very low prices to the producers since supermarkets have a big power.

BTW, I don't understand why people keep on buying things on those places. Apart from their great offers, the rest of their products are more expensive than in any other small shops. I take advantage of them and I only go there to buy their special offers.



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