Unamuno, Miguel de. Abel Sanchez and Other Stories (includes The Madness of Doctor Montarco and San Manuel Bueno, Martyr), Regnery Publishing, Inc., 1996. Translated by Anthony Kerrigan.
If I recall correctly, Kerrigan translated and edited a multivolume hardback anthology of Unamuno's works. It was published by Princeton University Press in (I think) the 1980s.

The novel "Mist" is generally considered Unamuno's masterwork. When I was in high school, we didn't read the whole novel, but we were assigned the pivotal chapter in which the protagonist argues with the author over which of them is more real.

If you're looking for a short Unamuno work to assign, the novella "San Manuel Bueno, Mártir" (translated under various English titles) is excellent.