Hi everybody! Ok, I am having a problem (I know- it is a good problem to have though!!!). I am going to study abroad next semester in Spain. I spent the summer in Bilbao and loved it. So when I first started considering studying abroad again this spring, I immediately wanted to go back to Bilbao. However, my home University would not allow me to go back to the same place....Soooo I decided on Granada. I have never been to Granada, but have found out a lot about the city, and have a heard a LOT of positive things on it. Here is where the problem comes in... I have just received notification from my home University that they will allow me to go back to Bilbao now if that is what I want (the program there did not fill to capacity). Now I dont know what to do... Bilbao is what is comfortable, but I am also now thinking that going to Granada and having a new experience might be great as well. So my question is this.... has anybody been to both cities, or could explain some of the major differences here? ANY advice or comments would be GREATLY appreciated!! smile
"Ojos que no ven, corazón que no siente."