If you are using a spanish deck of cards, look up the card game called "Truc", it is hilarious, and incorporates facial signals for the team members (two, two person teams) to communicate with each other.
It is not specifically a speaking exercize, but it is definatly a non-english communication exercize that gets the brain working and may be a useful tangent.
The total immersion method will work well if you can repeat it regularly. The method I had success with included fifty minute class sessions separated by ten minute breaks, three in the am and three in the pm, with the expectation that the student would spend another two hours of self study as necessary, over many many weeks depending on the language targeted. Try to include; A) vocabulary memorization and grammar drills, B) dialogue exercizes where the students memorize and recite dialogues, and C) writing exercizes incorporating accumulated vocab/grammar, this can be simply creating sentences that use the vocabulary and grammar from A and B.
Let us all know how things go!
"Art, the other white meat!"