I knew you were there, Wolf. It's nice to see that someone here, besides Ignacio, understands what I'm about on this issue. Thanks for getting it.

Speaking of Ignacio, let me tell all of you that although you may not agree with his points of view, he researches his points, states his opinions emphatically and doesn't back down. I look forward to the next time I'm in Madrid, as I was treated with respect, mutually understanding and cordiality by my friend Ignacio...this as he acknowledged to my face that he and I differ greatly in political ideology, and that it didn't bother him [nor does it me].

If we look past our emotionally-charged reactions to what he and others [including myself] post here, we'll see other viewpoints, nothing more. Take what you'd like, respect the person, and agree to agree, or agree to disagree. Then go out for a Casera and some tortilla.

Zorionak everyone!
Ongi etorri!