For quite some time, Calibasco has stated the same things, and asks the same questions, and never has he come out in support of terrorism as an end to a means.

What he has questioned is the reasoning of the Madrid government, and their refusal to at least recognize the rights of the Basques for autonomy, as has been granted by several Spanish governments over the course of history, the last being in 1936 when the Spanish Republic granted autonomy when the Basques supported the elected government of Spain that was overthrown by the dictatorial government of Franco.

Since Spain now claims to be a free nation, why hasn't that autonomy, in accord with past agreements, been given? Why has the Madrid government continuously refused the rights of the Basques to at least have a referendum that could resolve, once and for all, whether or not they really want autonomy? Why has the Madrid government gone into negotiations with the Basques, then, when it suits their purpose, unilaterally stated that any negotiations they are having will never include the right of Basque autonomy? Why has the Madrid government made it a specific point of purpose to summarily find ways to disqualify any duly elected Basques from national government by doing such things as requiring an elected official to "publicly denounce" what ETA is doing or be expelled, when they know full well it's a death sentence against the Basque in office... from ETA execution?

The fact is, the Madrid government has never negotiated one damned thing with the Basques over the years, and never has, or will do so.

That is why ETA exists. It exists because the Madrid government creates the environment for it to exist.
