I'd like to respond to Ignacio about WHAT EXACTLY we are doing in Iraq. Saddam Hussein is responsible for the deaths of over 500,000 Iraqi's and Kurds(That we know of). We went in to take out a tyranical and Mass Murderer leader who had no business leading a nation. No, we have not found any "Weapons of Mass Destruction" but we were still justified in taking this leader out of power. THE INSURGENTS......LET ME REPEAT.......THE INSURGENTS are killing 99% of the innocent Iraqi people, not the American Forces. Yes, a friendly is a mistaken casulaty occasionally, but it is a WAR ZONE and no one is completly safe in a war zone. The U.S. and several other countries have began reopening Schools, Hospitals, Electrical and water plants and trying to rebuild their infrastructure so that the Iraqi people can live in a civilized way and not in bombed out homes with no running water or power. We are not conquerers BECASUE WE INTEND TO LEAVE and leave the country in a lot better shape than we found it. How is the U.S. the bad guys??