Bravo CaliBasco,

Very nicely put and true. As a matter of fact, I was quite surprised to find out only recently, that America, that is the British subjects living in present day U.S., had very few grievances actually. Especially compared to the way the English were treating people living in England. The whole war was about, perhaps an irrational idea even, we wanted our independence, plain and simple. True, there was taxation with very little representation, but that could be said of our current government as well.

I personally sympathise with the Irish in the Irish-England struggle. The English treated them horribly throughout history. The only problem is, it's way to late for Ireland to ever redress it's grievances against England. So what is the excuse for the violence if not to settle old scores? In the same manner, do the ETA really think that Spain is so weak a government, that violence can persuade the government to give up some of it's territory?
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."