Desert Dweller,

Yeah, Ignacio can be a little, well maybe very, frustrating, but he is entitled to an opinion on this board. I like hearing what people from other cultures have to say as long as I can respond to them. When I first started reading posts on this board, I was blown away by some very disturbing remarks, of the liberal persuation, not by our Spanish members.

It is clear to me that Ignacio is exposed to a lot of liberal ideas which he doesn't really challenge and he's comfortable with. I suppose we're all guilty of not challenging ideas we are comfortable with. It doesn't bother me that he feels the way he does as much as I believe that way too many Americans sympathize with his ideas. That does bother me. They have lived in this great country and have benefited from this greatness, indeed, witness it's greatness and still feel that we must be doing something wrong. And why wouldn't they when all they fill their minds with is the crap on the 25-inch peephole into paradise? To accept what we see in our media uncritically is just stinkin' thinkin' and ingratitude for the people that worked, fought and died to bring us this great blessing.

Even though Ignacio says things that are very irritating, please don't go after him personally. I have great faith in reason and it's overwhelming affect on an intelligent mind.

laugh Now let's discuss the Iraqi "freedom fighter". This begs the question, freedom from what? Freedom from democracy, equality for women, education, economic short freedom. Freedom from freedom. confused Well yes, I'd fight to the death if there was another culture trying to impose these ideas on my country. Especially if I've been living under tyranny for the last thirty years, oh hell, forever.

Yup, I'd have to stand up for my right to see my daughter or wife raped in front of me, my sons tortured and killed, my countrymen gassed. I'd be so indignant. Well, who are these arrogant freedom lovers who want to impose their values and blessings on me? The nerve! wink
"I swear -by my life and my love of it -that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."