I will not ask any questions, Filbert, I am just sorry to hear about it.

As my father, an ex-ARMY drill seargent would say, Ignacio seems 'BIG enuff and UGLY enuff to take care of himself...' laugh Of course since I grew up with that I see it as something a loving father would say, so please don't be offended, Ignacio.

Yes, Puna, it seems like the firecrackers going off on Spain's Constitution Day by ETA is a little bit of:
a.) a cry for attention, and
b.) a slap in the face to the people of Spain that want to be rid of tools like the ETA

But Fernando, with the *heavy* and *excessive*, yes I'm being sarcastic, sentences imposed by the strict Spanish legal system, those ETA guys will get 2 whole years in prison, no? They'll be back out in a handful, at most, years, creating the sames probelms as before... Can you explain to us how that works in Spain?