Just read in one of Spain's daily newspapers (in Spanish), ABC , that 1 United Statesen man and 1 Eastern European woman died in a car accident with a bus where 26 were injured.

The accident took place on Madrid's Carretera de
Extremadura (N-V), on the southwest side outside of the city.

The article, in Spanish (then English) is as follows:

Dos muertos y 26 heridos al colisionar un autobús y un turismo en la N-V

Dos personas han muerto y al menos otras
26 han resultado heridas en un accidente de tráfico en el que se han visto implicados un autobús y un turismo, en la carretera de
Extremadura (N-V), sentido Madrid, informaron a Efe fuentes de la Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT) y de emergencias 112.

Los fallecidos son un varón de 37 años y de nacionalidad estadounidense y una mujer de 27 años y originaria de Europa del Este, y cuyo marido ha resultado herido leve en el siniestro, según un portavoz de los servicios de emergencias 112.

Entre los atendidos hay cuatro personas de carácter grave, según los servicios del 112, que precisaron que la cifra final de heridos
podría ser mayor de 26 ya que varios automovilistas recogieron a
algunas personas para trasladarlas a centros asistenciales de la
Comunidad de Madrid.

El accidente, según las fuentes, se registró hacia las 5,30 horas en el kilómetro 27 de la citada vía, con una colisión por alcance entre un turismo y un autobús, matrícula de Badajoz, que volcó sobre la calzada. La carretera ha quedado cortada en sentido Madrid y se han habilitado desvíos alternativos.
"Auto-Translated" article:

Two dead persons and 26 injured al to collide a bus and a tourism in the N-V

Two persons have died and al except other 26 they have turned out injured in an accident of traffic in which have been seen implied a bus and a tourism, in the highway of Extremadura (N-V),
sense Madrid, they informed Efe sources of the General Direction of Traffic (DGT) and of emergencies 112.

Them passed away are a male of 37 years and of American nationality and a woman of 27 years and native of Europe of the east, and whose husband has turned out injured light in the sinister one, according to a spokesman of the services of emergencies 112.

Among them they attended there are four persons of serious character, according to the services of the 112, that they needed that the final figure of injured could be over 26 since various
motorists collected some persons to transfer them to welfare centers of the Community of Madrid.

The accident, according to the sources, was registered toward the 5,30 hours in the kilometer 27 of it cited way, with a collision by reach among a tourism and a bus, registration of Badajoz, that overturned on it worn. The highway has remained cut in sense Madrid and alternative bypasses have been authorized.
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