I hate to politicize the train bombing but it was already politicized by the terrorists who used it to accomplish there goals....Sadly the terrorists have gotten what they always wanted...? A government who would not get in there way of minipulating the world and taking it over for there extreemest muslim desires...the terrorists used the bombing to get rid of an undesirable conservative government and used it to install a much more sympathetic and easy to push around government (the socialist)...Yes! sadly, Al Quiada got just what it wanted and now has had its evil actions validated by getting what it wanted...if they would have suffered by the spanish populaces calling for more conservative messures and more involvement in fighting terrorism in places like Iraq and elsewhere then they would think twice about killing innocent spainards but Now they are stregthened and realise how effective and fruitful more killing and terror can be...It is trully a sad day!