
The reason to go after terrorist is to stop them from attacking in the first place from killing people. We as ordinary citizens will probally never know the whole story when it comes to terrorism because most of the information our countries have is classified and it is classified for a reason. I believe that the governments would be able to give a stronger case on why they decided to go after terrorism if only they had the chance. But it isn't worth giving out classified information. A lot of the information wich is probally help keeping us as safe as possible. I read over your post and can kind of see what you are trying to say. It may just be that you are a lot like me and have trouble expressing yourself in writing. Where you trying to make the point that the US can't always do everything and be the leader in every bad situation? If that is the case that you where trying to make then I can understand that particular point. In my humble opinion I felt Azner(sp?) made the best choice possible for his country. As a leader his first and foremost responsibility is to protect and take care of his people. If no leader ever had to make hard choices in the interests of his/her country then why have leaders in the first place. There is a lot of intelligence that we will never hear for many many years and we may not even hear about it in our life times. Thats just how stuff works. My dad served as an officer in the army for over 20 years and there are still things that I am not allowed to know for over 20 years he will probally be passed away before I will ever be able to know anything. Of course everyone or just about everyone probally wants to know what they (governments) know out of curiosity but it is not worth the risk of national security and the lives of many soldiers fighting for there lives. And sure we can't help everyone and every single country but we can atleast try our best to help the world as a whole.

My grammers not perfect either:)