well Quintos, I'm off to bed. 5 am in Madrid!

I leave you with one last comment. If you continue to play the game of us vs. them along social lines (you started with Muslims and now I see you are posting the stuff on the Morrocans) and in such a blanket manner, your world will forever be in conflict. And I mean that on a personal level.

In a wealthy area, take Silicon Valley for example, you will see an amazing sort of supereudcated and super accomplished individuals from all over the world and from al races and religions. Lo and behold there are Muslims galore...and even I am sure some Morrocans. Enough real education, good environment, good and steady income and respect, and we all live in peace.

According to your world, we should blindly turn the screws on ALL Muslims and Morrocans?? Would not only be catastrophic for Spain both in terms of its economy (think post 1492 and the terrible loss of talent in Spain that came to the fore after all the pilfering of silver and gold from the Americas had been exhausted), but it would lead to a tremendous increase in violence in Spain.

Dude, don't go down that road. Join a Morrocan organization. Volunteer along side Muslims. Introduce them to your friends and your leisure activities. Leanr about them and share your world. Soon you will seem them as individuals--some worth befriending and yes, some worth jailing or deporting. Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater...

To differentiate will cost Spain $$$ and cost you brain power as you will need to think hard on a case-by-case basis...as it should be. After all, they are here to stay and it is best to treat them in a way that IMPROVES Spain.

Good night. Un beso al estado de California en donde naci hace muchisimos años!