Unless I've missed something, the U.S. is definitely a multi-ethnic/cultural society.

Yes, we've had problems, and they still exist, but every day as I walk down a street, I see more diverse cultures than most of us can even fathom.

Are there problems within the immigrants? Of course there are, but it isn't restricted to one or two groups of people.

I remember, over twenty years ago, when they allowed Cuban nationals into the U.S. Comments were made about how Castro had emptied his jails and prisons, sending the flotsam of Cuba to our shores. One of the "camps" that these refugees went to was in Wisconsin. Rumors spread about how they were all criminals from Cuba, and it upset people. But, as some of these new Americans were processed into society, the people in the area found out very quickly how the warnings from the "anti-immigration" people were wrong. They not only became a viable part of a new society, but introduced new cultural experiences for everyone. It was an awakening for a lot of people with closed minds.

If there is on thing we should have taken with us from WWII is the fact that "ethnic superiority" is not acceptable. The problem is, too many people in the world haven't, and "ethnic cleansing" and genocide are still practiced. Until we find it not only intolerable, but act against it, we obviously haven't learned our lessons well enough. Stopping immigration only feeds the fires of those who would practice discrimination.
