Hi CanCanGrrl-

What are you planning on doing regarding money? (Are you bringing all you'll need in travelers cheques, will you be bringing dollars or pesetas, or are you planning on using ATMs?) When we have extra money on hand, we usually use the safes in the rooms. BUT now adays, we don't even bring much money or travelers cheques with us. ATM's are so frequent and easy to use that I may bring a little in pesetas or travelers cheques, then just use ATM's for spending money (so I never take out too much at once) and any bigger ticket items (rooms, big meals, souvenirs) I just use my credit cards. The credit cards work out best in the end for anything like that because you'll get the best rate for the day without any commission taken out and you can better track what you spent when you return.

So, my opinion is have very little extra money at all, and keep any of your pocket money in a waist pack, and you should be fine!
"Vivir con miedo es como vivir a medias."