I know there was a thread discussing the political situation and ETAs abhorent behavior - but I can't rememeber what heading it was under - so am reopening the discussion here. MM, please feel free to move this to the appropriate place!!!

I believe we all agree ETAs' actions are unconsciousable. Are the tactics Aznar is trying to implement, and the reasoning behind them, going to be effective? I know that the vast majority of the Basques consider themselves both Spanish and Basque and they are strongly against ETA - what it stands for as well as their actions. I can only imagine that ETAs' actions have consolidated the populace behind Aznar and his stand on ejecting the ETA-based political party as well as his clamping down on the rank and file of the ETA.

I'm not asking if ETA's reasoning and actions are justified - to me, they are not. Nor am I trying to open a discussion on ETA only. What I am hoping to do is get a discussion going on the wheres/hows/whys/ whats and hows - of events happening at this moment is going to affect Spain now and in the future ...

[This message has been edited by Puna (edited 09-21-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Puna (edited 09-21-2000).]
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte