I know this is going to sound funny because it does to me, but I wanted to get opinions from the experts (here), especially those who have traveled between the States and Spain.

At some time during my early research regarding Europe in general, I came across something somewhere that stated bathroom tissue used in Europe is not as soft and cushion-y as what we pampered Americans are used to. Eager to pass along any and all information to my S/O (before I thought he was only listening to half of what I was telling him anyway), I had forgotten I had even mentioned this and thought no more about it.

This afternoon I was going over some of the items I am planning on taking, some items I've decided to yank from my list, yada-yada-yada. He counters with: "Are you taking along toilet paper?" At first I was speechless. I told him I could bring a roll or two of travel-sized toilet paper along. (this being mostly a road trip, there might be one or two places we may end up where it might be needed and I can see the potential value in that.) But, no! He means, like, full rolls of the stuff we have here at home! I told him that we were staying in fairly nice hotels that do cater to tourists (a few of the Paradores and more well known hotels), and I would suspect toiletries would be the least of his concerns.

Now he is insisting on bringing the Charmin along and I'm sitting here in disbelief. This is a guy who thinks me bringing my straightening iron is weird, so go figure!

So, please, those who live or travel to Spain, can you tell me what the truth is to this? I know this seems a little, uh, indelicate and rather stupid, and I do apologize for that, but I'm having visions of our luggage being opened at security points across the world and rolls of toilet paper falling out much to our embarassment! (Or at least to mine!) What do I tell this guy to convince him that Spain is civilized?!?!

(And no, even though it sounds like it, this post is NOT a joke!)