Hard for me to believe, but when I visited Spain in '70, Franco still had years to go and all was mondo conservative. My American friends and I couldn't understand why we, with miniskirts up to mid-thigh, got so much unwanted male attention!

Now it's my daughter's turn, and all is vastly changed, I realize. She's an athletic, sporty type who's mainly packing work clothes for a two-week volunteer gig in the Picos de Europa. Still, there are those off-hours to think of, as well as the traveling before and after.

Here are my questions: 1) What kind of bathing suit would be acceptable at the pool at the campground where she'll be staying? She's not going to go beyond a fairly traditional bikini, but I don't think she's really up for wearing her swim team one-piece! 2) Are tank tops accceptable? Ubiquitous? Is there one standard in Madrid and another in the rural north? 3) What about shorts, in both areas of the country? 4)Any other thoughts or tips about dressing comfortably but not aggressively?

I'm proud of my kiddo, who not only wants not to be hit on constantly but also genuinely wants to blend in. Any help you can give will be great.
