Thanks for the responses! Sorry I didn't get back before now, but was under the weather all weekend.

JasMadrid ~ There is so much information on these boards, I'm finding I can usually find the answer I need without asking the question, but thank you! And thank you for confirming what I had thought. Sounds as if we've picked a good time of year to visit.

Filbert ~ we will (sadly) be gone from Spain by the middle of October, so we will be missing the rain I presume.

El Marques ~ Ah, another Southern Californian! I hadn't even thought of taking my leather jacket - the darn thing is just too heavy! Thanks for the confirmation regarding the weather. I feel better knowing I'm heading in the right direction. And I always bring my umbrella, and it has long been a standing joke with my family friends. I guess I'm like a boy scout - always prepared. Thankfully, mine is very small and very lightweight.

Agains, thanks all!