Well, fitst of all I am leaving for Madrid on Jan. 13th!!!!!!!!! so excited!!!!!! I'll be there until Feb. 26th!!!!!!
But, now I am at the point of having to deal w/ the money issue, unfournately the exchange rate is horrible right now - but oh well. I've read on this forum that travelers cheques are bad. So I was thinking about that travelers cheque debit card system that they just came out with..anyone know anything about that??? Of course I'll have a credit card(mainly for emergencies and any big purchases)but I would prefer to refrain from using it.I'm going to leave here w/ 75 Euros cash--and the rest I wanted to take in some other safer form. So I'm asking for any advice on how I should do this - I was thinking about travelers cheques, that travelers cheque debit system that I don't know much about, visa buxx. also, how does the whole exchange of currency work if you use a credit card or debit card??? It may be anaive question...but i'm curious smile ...anyway any info would be helpful....mil gracias!!
feliz navidad & prospero año nuevo!!
--Con Ganas De Volver--