OsoMayor writes:
... wines from Australia and Chile are very popular here, why? ADVERTISEMENT! We have magazines and newpapers writing articles regarding new and upcoming wineries in Australia, New Zealand, Chile and Argentina. Italian wines are very popular as well... Very little about Spain, although if you are a wine drinker you know about Spanish wine and those of us in the know enjoy it very much.
I would change 'ADVERTISEMENT' to 'MARKETING;' because then it might take cost (or price/value) into consideration. And those people who write articles about Chilean wines are just giving the public what it wants. It's not just in California or the U.S. Wine from Chile has taken a significant market share in the U.K. and Ireland. Why? It's good quality and much cheaper than similar products from France or even Spain.

I also see some wines from former Eastern Bloc countries such as Romania being sold here. But they haven't launched any marketing volley to the public, yet ...