Right on Espe3!

I cringe every time I hear spanglish. This mix debases both Spanish and English. I get quite upset when I read about the further dispersion of this cacophonous rubbage. mad

I see daily in Los Angeles marketing campaigns that intertwine the two language in the same fashion Doritos has. Sadly, many of the "native" speakers of Spanish who live in the Southwest have to rely upon spanglish. There are countless words that have become widely excepted here by the Hispanic community that are not real Spanish words [e.g. checkear(comprobar), parkear(aparcar,estacionar), troka (camión)]These and many others examples have created a lexicon that would not be understood by a speaker of the pure "castellano" as advocated by the guardians of the language, the RAE.

I refuse to diffuse such garbage when speaking in Spanish. If the other person in my conversation does not understand the proper word, then I shall repeat the same sentence in English so as to avoid contributing to such ignorance. I accept regional variations of the language, so does the RAE, but spanglish's only claim is that it encourages people to speak two wonderful languages poorly at the same time.