SuePycroft, is the THE which is also known as El Brillante ???? I've seen/heard it called both names. I don't recall it being on calle de Atocha, but rather ON the Glorieta de Carlos V. Not sure which street it uses as it's address. But if it's the same, overlooking the Atocha train station AND el Ministerio de Agricultura , this is where we have the "Party With MadridMan" these last two trips I've visited Madrid. CLICK HERE for the photo of the party-goers. Does this look like the same place? I have some photos of the front, but don't have them scanned yet. If this IS the same place, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!! I'm dreaming of the bocadillos de calamares now! Mmmmmm...

Saludos, MadridMan
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