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#89194 - 03/04/11 11:58 AM Austin Bice:Madrid's Missing San Diego St. Student
teachertraveler8 Offline
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Registered: 11/20/09
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Loc: Detroit, Michigan
Has there been much in the news about the student from San Diego State who went missing in Madrid last week?

Edited by MadridMan (03/09/11 07:18 AM)
Edit Reason: to clarify the topic

#89196 - 03/04/11 03:08 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: teachertraveler8]
jazz Offline
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Registered: 05/28/08
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Loc: Madrid
This is very strange!I hope you find him

#89197 - 03/04/11 03:09 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: teachertraveler8]
laduque Offline
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Registered: 10/02/00
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Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
Of course, here in San Diego this is really big news. I hope that he is found safe.

How about in Madrid?

#89198 - 03/04/11 06:19 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: laduque]
MadridMan Offline

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I haven't seen anything about it in the local news - but then I don't watch it much, either. I've seen quite a bit about it on Facebook, however. My guess is that if he hasn't been found in the week since he went missing he's probably a John Doe somewhere. At least if he would've fallen into the river they would've found the body by now.

I'd like to know more about WHO was with him when the door-staff denied him entry to "La Riviera" which is right next to the Puente de Segovia and the Río Manzanares. Surely it wasn't the door staff who gave the report that he was too drunk to be admitted inside for the concert. But maybe so.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89204 - 03/06/11 12:07 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
MadridMan Offline

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Reuters Video: "Search On for Missing U.S. Student" @
(embedding of this video was disabled by Reuters)
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#89206 - 03/06/11 12:29 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
pedmar Offline
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Registered: 02/26/06
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Loc: Morbihan, France
La riviera for reasons of security in the past is now very strict on letting you in, not before was easy. They had quite a few incidents there. The young in my family have stop going there.

they guy seems ok but if found the wrong kind then so sorry this happenend I just realise this is all over the news online.

Edited by MadridMan (03/06/11 12:58 PM)
Edit Reason: to embed the video into message.

#89207 - 03/07/11 09:21 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: pedmar]
GorgonaMedussa Offline
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Registered: 03/04/11
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Loc: Madrid
Hi! I would like to say hello to everybody as I'm new here. Regarding this missing boy, I haven't seen much on the news. Just a brief note in some national newspaper, but saying very little about it.
It said he was very big and tall, he was drunk, and he was left alone by his friends when they went into the disco and he was denied the entrance.

#89214 - 03/08/11 06:27 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: GorgonaMedussa]
teachertraveler8 Offline
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Registered: 11/20/09
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Loc: Detroit, Michigan
His body was found in the river. How tragic. My prayers go out to his friends and family.

#89215 - 03/08/11 07:55 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: teachertraveler8]
Puna Offline
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Registered: 07/07/00
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Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Mine as well teachertraveler8 - terribly sad ending to what should have been the best year of his life.
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#89219 - 03/08/11 02:32 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
MadridMan Offline

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Originally Posted By MadridMan
My guess is that if he hasn't been found in the week since he went missing he's probably a John Doe somewhere. At least if he would've fallen into the river they would've found the body by now.

Well, he was found today in the river. I just read the article on ElPais (video too).

Today I crossed over the Manzanares River twice by bus over the Puente de Segovia and they had the water nearly totally drained to the bottom and a couple official-looking cars and reflective-vest-wearing guys looking over the edge. I really thought, "Uh-oh. They must be looking for the San Diego State student." But I also thought they might be doing some maintenance on the river, dredging it, or something such as that.

That's a shame, really.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89220 - 03/08/11 02:46 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
esperanza Offline
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Registered: 01/06/01
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Loc: New York City
such a sad end to this story. My heart goes out to the family and all of the families of the kids that are studying abroad. This is tragic.

#89222 - 03/09/11 05:17 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: esperanza]
MadridMan Offline

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In this article, it was written:
In postings on his blog, Bice wrote about his experience in Spain — touching on themes ranging from Spanish food, a trip to Valencia, his initial difficulty with Spanish, heavy homework assignments and Madrid's vibrant nightlife.

Bice was amazed at the party scene, with both Spanish and foreign students often staying out until dawn, but said in a Feb. 9 post that he wasn't imbibing as much as others.

"Before I came to Spain, I was told by all of my advisers that I should try to keep calm at parties and not try to be the typical loud and drunk American," Bice wrote. "I have done exactly that, staying back and watching hilarious drunken events occur from a relatively sober mind. The Spaniards at the party were not following along with this ideology."

On his last post on Feb. 25, he said he was going out: "Hopefully it will not disappoint (I assume it will not). It's in Madrid and it should be a fun night."

He added: "Now, I truly must be going, my Spanish roommates are expecting me to prepare some authentic American food ... Hope they like Hamburgers!"

In that El Pais article I mentioned above, one riverside Spanish neighbor said that the wall to the banks of the Manzanares river was dangerously low, that people might sit on it, fall asleep, and fall into the river - and I first wondered if he thought that BEFORE the body was found. I also said to myself, "Oh no. With comments like his it would seem this country is fast becoming like the USA where the walls & fences are growing and the BEWARE signs are sprouting like the currently flowering almond trees."

A death is terrible no matter where and how it happens, whether it be a family member, a friend, or a stranger. But accidents will always happen be it on the motorway or sitting on a riverbank admiring the scenery. Add alcohol to either of those scenarios and you have an "accident" waiting to happen.

Back in the 1990s one Spaniard told me - as we were walking an unfenced, un-signed Galician precipice - "No judge in Spain would prosecute a land-owner for not fencing/signing this property if someone fell over its edge and died. That only happens in the USA. Any clear-minded citizen knows potential danger when they see it. If they choose to peer over the edge they accept the risks."

Austin's death is as unfair as any death. But can we shut off the wind? Should we try? That sounds UN-natural to me. Or better said, "ANTI-nature". We tend to want to assess blame when bad things happen. That's a natural reaction but it not rational. Sometimes things are out of our hands.

Rest in Peace, Austin.
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#89223 - 03/09/11 05:26 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
steve robinson Offline
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Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
I actually agree with the phrase " Any clear-minded citizen knows potential danger when they see it " ... It drives me crazy ( to a lesser extent ) to see messages on Starbucks coffee cups warning that the contents will be very hot .... What ? Are we stupid ? . Unfortunately the US have exported their lawsuit culture to some European countries such as the UK .
MM .. Have they actually found the body and determined the cause of death yet .
How awful must this be for his parents , family and friends in The States .
Actually I just read the article having not see your link originally . One of the American newswires is saying that not only was he young but very tall ( 6.4 ) and physically very fit . That would take an awful lot of alcohol to knock somebody like that over . I wonder whether drugs may be involved ( I hope not ) The results of the post mortem are due by today but not made publi until they have been delivered to Austin' family and the Madrid Magistrates .

#89224 - 03/09/11 05:48 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: steve robinson]
MadridMan Offline

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Originally Posted By steve robinson
MM .. Have they actually found the body and determined the cause of death yet.
They have the body, yes, but no cause of death determined yet. Might be one of those mysterious for all time. They only say there were no signs of violence. Anything's possible, of course, but my bet is he went to sit on the river's wall to rest, maybe horizontally, rolled over and "splash". And although the water's only about 6 foot deep there (at that time), the water's impact may have been a factor. Plus, being dark he wouldn't have seen the river-bank ladders at 100 meter intervals.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89227 - 03/09/11 07:13 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
MadridMan Offline

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If you'd like more drama, read the Austin Bice blog - yes, his own personal blog on Blogger entitled "AB's European Tour 2011", detailing his experiences in Madrid, including his last day on this earth.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89228 - 03/09/11 08:12 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
jazz Offline
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Registered: 05/28/08
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Loc: Madrid
Also I have a son 23 years old, fridays and sabado at night, I don't live by the concern....
My condolences to the family.

#89231 - 03/09/11 11:35 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: jazz]
teachertraveler8 Offline
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Registered: 11/20/09
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Loc: Detroit, Michigan

Thanks so much for posting the link to Austin's blog. It is a precious account of a young man's first wondrous experience with Madrid, a city he clearly loved. (My apologies to Puna for switching between your thread and this one, but I think that you could also find some suggestions from Austin)

#89232 - 03/09/11 03:59 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: teachertraveler8]
MadridMan Offline

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The autopsy is complete. According to the El Pais Article, he fell backwards into the river and drowned as his lungs were full of water. They say had he died before falling there would not have been water in his lungs - which is logical. A short article in La Razon said he choked on a nut, vomited, and his lungs filled with the vomit.

So how can these two news outlets report different things from one autopsy report??

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89233 - 03/09/11 06:36 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
Yankaluz Offline
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Registered: 04/28/05
Posts: 102
Loc: SoCal, USA
man! so sad! I've been following this story and unfortunately did not end well.

it also hit home in many ways, knowing Madrid well and having family there, considering myself a San Diegan after having established roots here for so long, so long ago, been to a Gypsy King concert in SDSU, and knowing his city of Carlsbad well too jsut feels odd.
I did not know anyone involved but it sure felt familiar because of the locations involved.

RIP, Austin
AKA "NO&DO Yankaluz"
,,,si no te mata, te alimenta.

#89240 - 03/10/11 12:28 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: Yankaluz]
laduque Offline
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Registered: 10/02/00
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Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
Reading Austin's blog is heartbreaking! He truly fell in love with Madrid like we all have and was just beginning to discover it's depth.
As MM said, accidents happen everywhere and in many ways. So tragic and preventable.

#89251 - 03/10/11 02:22 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: laduque]
esperanza Offline
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Registered: 01/06/01
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Loc: New York City
It was heartbreaking to read Austin's blog. As laduque says, he truly loved Madrid. I enjoyed reading it even though it was so sad. Today's article in EL PAIS IN ENGLISH is interesting, yet it seems like the investigation is certainly not over. I was so sad to read the last line of the article where his mom advises Americans not to send their children to study abroad.

#89252 - 03/10/11 04:09 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: esperanza]
steve robinson Offline
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Registered: 02/23/06
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Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
That's a knee-jerk reaction from Austin's mother who must be going through incredible grief . You and many others on this message board understand that travel broadens the mind . It`s an old cliché but completely right . Wherever you travel in the world there will be problems .. bombs in London and Madrid , the situation in Northern Africa right now ... A bomb went off just yesterday near my brother's home in Moscow . Then there are the huge number of gun crimes in the USA itself that are killing innocent people , as well as young students . Hiding yourself in your own community , wrapped up in cotton wall is NOT the way to move forward ... Violence is part of our world and we have to deal with it head on and not give in to the cowards waging war on good people .
Young people should be encouraged to travel between all countries in the world .
Courage mon brave ! as they say in France !

#89253 - 03/10/11 04:18 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: steve robinson]
Puna Offline
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Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Ole & Bravo Steve!
emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#89254 - 03/10/11 06:27 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: esperanza]
Yankaluz Offline
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Loc: SoCal, USA
Originally Posted By esperanza
It was heartbreaking to read Austin's blog. As laduque says, he truly loved Madrid. I enjoyed reading it even though it was so sad. Today's article in EL PAIS IN ENGLISH is interesting, yet it seems like the investigation is certainly not over. I was so sad to read the last line of the article where his mom advises Americans not to send their children to study abroad.

I was afraid of the blame being placed on the wrong place, as a parent myself, I can understand how a grieving mother may not really comprehend the entire concept, I read my local news people on their late teens to early 20s die in car crashes way too often,,, I wont judge the mother for saying anything and my sympathies go to the family, but I do disagree with the statement about sending students abroad.
AKA "NO&DO Yankaluz"
,,,si no te mata, te alimenta.

#89257 - 03/11/11 04:09 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: Yankaluz]
MadridMan Offline

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Well said, NO&DO Yankaluz. We cannot and should not judge the statements of a grieving mother/parent.

esperanza, thank you for posting the El Pais English link. I hadn't seen that. In that article they say Austin died of a heart attack. Now I'm really confused about what was the true cause of death. Now we're heard it was a drowning, choking on a nut and ingesting his own vomit, and now a heart attack. That detail that no one saw Austin sitting on the river's wall at that hour, (after) midnight, is not all that surprising. That article said the area was swarming with people. We don't know exactly where he was sitting when he fell in but I can assure you that area is NOT swarming with people - even next to a nightclub where everyone's INDOORS that club staying out of the cold and few-to-no-one is taking a nighttime walk along the river.

When I saw the photo and American flag with the statement, "Austin Brice Murdered in Madrid. Americans Demand Justice." I thought, "Oh god. This kind of reaction was expected."

Another American-based autopsy is warranted. I have no problem with that. The parents want closure and their questions answered. I'd want the same, I'm sure, to know every little detail I could discover. I wonder if we'll get a blood-alcohol analysis or maybe it's too late for that to be reliable.

Saludos, MadridMan
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#89263 - 03/11/11 08:45 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
teachertraveler8 Offline
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Registered: 11/20/09
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Loc: Detroit, Michigan
I am deeply incensed by the people who would put up a sign like that. It is fine and appropriate to have a memorial and remember Austin Bice, but propoganda like that is more hurtful than helpful. Austin's untimely death is tragic, but sometimes things like that happen and it isn't the fault of Spain. Americans need to let go of always having "justice". Life isn't fair. (I hear the children repeat that to each other all the time)

As a mother of teenagers, I feel horribly for this mother and grieve for her. I cannot imagine the pain of losing one of my children. However, if the time comes that they want to study abroad, I will let them go. It is a risk, but it is a risk to hand my car keys over to let them drive around town. Life is meant to be lived and Austin Bice demonstrated in his blog that he was living it to the fullest in his final weeks of life in the wonderful city of Madrid.

#89265 - 03/11/11 09:50 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: teachertraveler8]
GorgonaMedussa Offline
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Registered: 03/04/11
Posts: 12
Loc: Madrid
I agree (again) with teachertraveler. Accidents happen, sometimes it's not our fault but others is.
Let's wait for the investigations to finish and clarify everything. Media is releasing info but in a messy way, confusing everybody.

If like they said in the first place, this guy was with his friend and all were having "fiesta", I'm pretty sure they all drank a lot (one of the attractions for young people when coming to Spain). He was not allowed to enter the disco because he was in a bad condition (really drunk or something else?), right? Then, if he had so many good friends that are now mourning their loss, why none of them said "hey, don't worry, i'll take you home because you're not ok to go on your own"?.

I would never let a friend going home alone if I saw he or she is not "feeling" ok. I would make sure he/she grabs a cab!!

#89271 - 03/12/11 06:11 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: GorgonaMedussa]
steve robinson Offline
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Registered: 02/23/06
Posts: 1158
Loc: Hastings Old Town , England .
Well said Teachertraveler8 . Considering the crime in the USA , maybe the Spanish or Europeans in general should consider not studying in or travelling to , The States - It´s the same principle .
GorgonaMedussa ... I also agree with you . Friends of min looked after me and I looked after them when we were out at night .

#89272 - 03/12/11 11:03 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: steve robinson]
Puna Offline
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Registered: 07/07/00
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Loc: Charlotte, NC. U.S.A.
Again I wholeheartedly agree with all the above comments. As a late teenager I wandered Spain and the rest of Europe for the first time and and have returned to Spain countless times since. Yep, drank a lot as a kid but friends watch out for friends and even strangers are often friends.
As a parent I allowed, and encouraged, my daughter to travel - including Africa and the Dominican Republic right on the Haitian border. Yes, I worried - areas were not the best and I remembered being that age.
Would I change anything in her life or mine? Aboslutely Not! Exposure to the world is the best education one can ever get - and that's an education far beyond university as it includes compassion, curiosity, respect and a far better understanding of who people are.

emotionally & mentally in Spain - physically in Charlotte

#89273 - 03/12/11 05:34 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: Puna]
jacmom Offline
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Registered: 02/09/10
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So many great comments! Understanding of the grieving parents, but understanding the greatness of the living abroad experience.

As the mother of a student on her 3rd year in Madrid, I feel much better about her being there than her 1st year of university in St. Louis, Missouri - a city that is usually in the top 3 cities each year for violent crime in the US with the unversity being in one of the higher crime neighborhoods even.

Her school has been all over the kids this week as a result of Mr. Bice's death. Talking to them about drinking, being aware of there surroundings, looking out for each other,etc.

She has foiled 2 pick pockets (on the same day, no less!) but they were successful one time, but has had no other problems. thankfully she was smart enough to carry her IDs and money separately. She only lost about 15 euros, but was most upset about losing her credit slip forbooks that she sold to J & B books because it would not be used by a thief.

#89279 - 03/13/11 07:13 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: jacmom]
pedmar Offline
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Registered: 02/26/06
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Loc: Morbihan, France
I agree the mom has her situation to deal with, and comments are to be taken with the light of the situation. I am sure a few months from now she will give a different answer.THe media is just overpowering today especially in Spain ::)

There have been zillions of foreign students going thru Spain since heytimes and accident do and will happenned but overall is very safe. heck my kids went for a trimester in Barcelona with only 16 yrs and was wonderful still in contact with his hosts there lol!


#89283 - 03/13/11 02:01 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: pedmar]
Crisco Offline
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Registered: 08/30/09
Posts: 78
Tragic story -very unreported in Spain at the beginning because according to what I read in the States, his roomates reprted him missing but the police didn't take it seriously until the US Embassy and the university got involved.His father flew out after a week because the idea of a kidnapping suggested by the police never came to anything.What a sad photo of the dad next to a poster.He even had hired som detectives to help in the search but the next day ,his body was found in the river.
After the sadness , I'm sure one of the question,mentioned by Steve, will arise as to the loyalty of his friends-why didn't they go with him?
Alcohol in the States is such a bugaboo and that leads to young Americans abroad just going crazy with the freedom-no need for ID/s,no limits,no parents etc.In Spain I see the young people have now got into having these dreadful drinking gatherings-botellón-Last summer the police really were out in full strength in front of the square of San Andrés and Plaza de la Paja.

#89287 - 03/14/11 01:01 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: Crisco]
pedmar Offline
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Registered: 02/26/06
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Loc: Morbihan, France
yes too bad the friends did not stay with him, its sad for the family, but its an incident over a trillion, students have been going to Spain for zillions of years.
I dont think we can conclude Spain is unsafe just because of this incident.
The police needs to wait at least 24 hrs before it is considered missing, maybe 48 hrs something like that I am not sure the hours, Maybe EU regulation but thats the way it is.

#89293 - 03/15/11 01:25 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: pedmar]
laduque Offline
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Registered: 10/02/00
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Loc: San Diego, CA, USA
It is the same in the U.S. Had a student attended a party here at SDSU (A major party school) and went missing. Our police, too, would wait 48 hours before it's considered amissing persons report. So that is not unique to Spain.
As far as blaming a whole country and travelling abroad in general, well, that's just absurd!@

There will be a memorial for Austin here in San Diego on Sunday. Our city has made headlines out of this tragedy!

#89299 - 03/17/11 12:25 PM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: laduque]
Yankaluz Offline
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Registered: 04/28/05
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Loc: SoCal, USA
The only way to perhaps entice to engage the police into looking for and adult within the 24-48 hour window is by asking for a wellness check, you'd have to give a reasonable story and why you are so concerned, tell them how out of character and odd the situation is, if upon arrival to the searching location the police finds suspicious evidence, any sign of foulplay, say, a broken window, then they will look into it much deeper and most likely ensue a full on investigation.

Im sure that laws in other places may differ, providing a logical and reasonable argument to someone in charge may help.
AKA "NO&DO Yankaluz"
,,,si no te mata, te alimenta.

#89308 - 03/20/11 01:40 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: MadridMan]
BHinSanDiego Offline
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Registered: 06/23/05
Posts: 9
Loc: San Diego, CA
Actually, California law does not require a wait of 24 to 48 hours.
From website for the Office of the Attorney General of California:
"There is NO waiting period for reporting a person missing. All California police and sheriffs' departments must accept any report, including a report by telephone, of a missing person, including runaways, without delay and will give priority to the handling of the report."

#89309 - 03/20/11 08:53 AM Re: Missing San Diego State student [Re: BHinSanDiego]
pedmar Offline
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Registered: 02/26/06
Posts: 1445
Loc: Morbihan, France
he disappear in Spain, different country different laws. Just be aware of the surrounding always. La Riviera as in my initial report is not a good area, the place has been closed before.

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